Vladimir Odvody

Vladimir Odvody was born on 5 May 1919 in Hlavovice, Czechoslovakia. As a Roman Catholic student, he was arrested in his hometown of Taus, Czechoslovakia because he was involved in an Affair called Smudeck. From 24 March 1940 to 17 March 1942 he was imprisoned in the Flossenbürg concentration camp.


This copy of an order for “Protective Custody”, dated 21 June 1940, was sent from the Reich Security Main Office to the State Police regional headquarters in Prague. It orders “Protective Custody” for Vladimir Odvody, born on 5 May 1919 in Hlavovice, until further notice. It suggests that the Protective Custody order should give the following explanation for the arrest: “his hostile attitude towards the state, gives reason to believe that he would use his liberty to threaten the German state.” The imprisonment in the concentration camp Flossenbürg is approved and information about the further process is requested. The document is signed for Heydrich.


This document from the Flossenbürg concentration camp concerns Vladimir Odvody’s personal data. He was a Roman Catholic student from the Protectorate who was born on 5 May 1919 in Hlavovice. On 24 March 1940 he was arrested in his hometown of Taus and imprisoned in the concentration camp Flossenbürg the same day. The reason stated for his arrest was the Affair Smudeck.


This telegram dated 17 May 1941, was sent by Odvody’s mother to the Flossenbürg concentration camp. She is asking for a telegraphic reply regarding her son’s state of health. Her original request has been altered by the camp officials. The request for a telegraphic reply has been replaced in red letters by the request “to be answered with a letter by mail.”


This is a second telegram, sent by Odvody’s mother. She is inquiring about the state of her son’s health. This telegram was sent only a few hours after the first one, which remained unanswered. On the bottom of the telegram, it is indicated by the camp officials that the inquiries were finally answered on the 20th, after having been checked by the commanding officer on 19 May.


A letter dated 20 May 1941, from the command of the Flossenbürg concentration camp to Beatrice Odvody, the mother of Vladimir. In response to her telegram of 17 May the command informs her that her son is well.


This letter, dated 1 November 1941, was sent from Anton Odvody, Vladimir’s father, from Taus    to the command of the Flossenbürg concentration camp. He requests permission to send his son Vladimir Odvody, inmate No. 1821 in Block 7, two or three pairs of wool socks, a pair of shoes and a kidney belt.


In this letter dated 5 November 1941 the command of the Flossenbürg concentration camp informs Anton Odvody that his request to send his son clothes has been granted.


This report dated 9 February 1942, from the concentration camp Flossenbürg concerns the behaviour of the inmate Vladimir Odvody. He is described as an intelligent, fanatic Czech, who would continue to threaten the war’s success, if he were released. It is further remarked that Odvody’s general behaviour and work ethics are satisfactory.


This letter from the command of the Flossenbürg concentration camp to the Reich Security Main Office concerning Odvody is dated 13 February 1942. It says that “since his admission to the camp, Odvody has not improved at all. Despite repeated warnings and instructions, Odvody has made no effort to comply with camp regulations. He dawdles at work and only through constant control can he be made to carry out his work. From a political perspective it can be said that as a fanatic Czech he will harm the interests of the Reich again, if he is set free.” This report in part contradicts the opinion of his behaviour as noted in another document.


On 6 March 1942, the Reich Security Main Office wrote to the command of the Flossenbürg concentration camp to order the release of Vladimir Odvody. Following his release, he would have to contact the regional office of the State Police in Prague. It further reads that if Odvody is not able to pay for transportation to his hometown the state would pay for it. On the back of the page the release of Odvody on 17 March 1942 was confirmed.


This is the release declaration by Vladimir Odvody dated 17 March 1942. The declaration reads as follows:

“I, Odvody, Vladimir, inmate in “protective custody” born on 5 May 1919 in Hlavovice declare the following:

1)  I will never, neither in speech nor in writing, oppose the national socialist state.

2)  I report to the police authorities, as soon as I become aware of them, any actions against
the current state, the NSDAP, or its subdivisions.

3)  I have neither caught any disease nor had any accident in the concentration camp Flossenbürg.

4)  I understand that I am not to speak about the facilities of the concentration camp.

5)  The objects which were taken from me during my arrest were returned to me.

6)  I cannot and will not make any claims for compensation.

7)  No pressure was exerted on me to sign this declaration.

8) I understand that immediately following my arrival in Taus, I must report to the State Police regional headquarters in Prague.

Floßenbürg, 17 March 1942”


In this letter dated 13 July 1944, from Vladimir Odvody to the command of the concentration camp, he asked for an attestation of his experience in the metalworking shop. He worked in the shop for approximately 18 months between the middle of July 1940 to January 1942. A handwritten note on the side by a camp official forwards the letter to another “department.” A handwritten note dated 15 July 1944, on the back of the letter is attesting to the fact that Vladimir worked in the camp.


This reply dated 20 July 1944 confirms Vladimir worked in the camp. The commander of the Flossenbürg concentration camp attests that Mr. Vladimir Odvody was working in the metalworking shop from July 1940 to January 1942. He worked as a metalworker, lathe operator, and occasionally at the forge. It was only ten days from the time Vladimir Odvody requested his letter of “recommendation” and the third Flossenbürg official to handle the request responded.